Post by TonyV on May 8, 2010 16:07:06 GMT -5
• 133 LAP employees have signed up for the Voluntary Posting for Chicago Stamping and Chicago Assembly Plants. Six of the sign-ups are active employees. The totals with the earlier Transfer of Operation Posting is 141 to transfer - 10 active and 131 ILO’s. Transfers for ILO should begin in June. Also, we are going to setup a meeting for all the transfers as soon as we can.
• No down-time is projected at this time. Vacation Shutdown is set for the weeks of July 5, 2010 and August 9, 2010.
• Some hard copies of the local agreements are available in the in-plant union office. The agreement is also, available for download at 2007 LAP/ UAW Local 862 Agreements. Also, available are the Skilled Trades Agreements and the entire Lines on Demarcation. I am also having CDs made for members wanting the contract in that format.
• Next week, 05/11/10-05/13/2010, the Bargaining Committee and President will be attending meetings in Chicago. The Sub Council II and III and Ford Council being held on Tuesday/Wednesday and Thursday. I can still be reached be email or, Contact Chairperson button on the web.
In Solidarity, Steven M. Stone UAW Local 862/LAP Chairperson