Dec 11, 2010 10:07:42 GMT -5
Post by keithf on Dec 11, 2010 10:07:42 GMT -5
i was watching c-span yesterday (insert your own joke here) and saw that currently, some people pay a 35% estate tax when they die. that almost made my stomach hurt!! how can we justify giving 35% of what we have to the gov't when we die. and why do we as citizens put up with it? scary thing is, the dems want this 35% rate to be RAISED. to them, its not enough.
Dec 11, 2010 15:12:53 GMT -5
Post by marcus on Dec 11, 2010 15:12:53 GMT -5
Take take take thats what Gov is good at.Im sick of it.Not just the Ds but most of them.
Dec 11, 2010 17:19:15 GMT -5
Post by ScottR@KTP on Dec 11, 2010 17:19:15 GMT -5
Everything about it is disgusting...but I also think it's disgusting that you pay property tax on property you own FOREVER. It's like you never own it 'free and clear'.
Dec 12, 2010 0:59:40 GMT -5
Post by marcus on Dec 12, 2010 0:59:40 GMT -5
I dont know of very many that agree with property tax but we still get the money taken from us.Why is that?
Dec 12, 2010 14:51:11 GMT -5
Post by pmooret on Dec 12, 2010 14:51:11 GMT -5
Go to the fair tax web site and see if they have any answers that you like. Imagine no more filing taxes, no IRS, everybody pays the same tax rate, politicians can't spend all their time showboating in front of the cameras year after year after year after year over what's fair for the rich and what's fair for the poor. Since all men are created equal what gives politicians the right to apply different tax rates for different people.
Dec 12, 2010 17:24:22 GMT -5
Post by bo862 on Dec 12, 2010 17:24:22 GMT -5
"I dont know of very many that agree with property tax but we still get the money taken from us.Why is that? "
Because there is a (relatively) small group of people that control our political system, that happens to be the ones with the most money.
Dec 18, 2010 22:42:06 GMT -5
Post by kessinger on Dec 18, 2010 22:42:06 GMT -5
This was a great battle of words. "The Death Tax". But, the dead person doesn't pay the taxes. The person that gets the money pays the taxes on what they inherited. And you have to Inherite a few million. This is not a voting issue for me, since I won't be inheriting or leaving behind millions. But I have a real hard time feeling sorry for some rich kid because he has to pay the same tax rate I do. He just had his money handed to him I had to earn mine. He don't give a shit about me paying my 35% so i sure as hell don't care about his.
Now I do think property tax is shit. On this we all agree. My dad owns a farm that has been in the family before they even taxed people in America. So, yes it does seem we should have covered our share of the taxes on it at some point since 1776. LOL, but i will inherit it, it sure as hell won't be worth enough for the death tax.
Dec 19, 2010 1:51:38 GMT -5
Post by marcus on Dec 19, 2010 1:51:38 GMT -5
I feel I should be able to leave any amount of money or land to my son and not have it taxed again,Its been taxed already.Gov needs to get out of my pocket and even richer peoples pockets.
Dec 19, 2010 16:54:19 GMT -5
Post by jobs1stb4polarbear on Dec 19, 2010 16:54:19 GMT -5
The basic premise of socialist government, as Obama famously explained to a plumber in Ohio, is to take wealth away from the more successful people in society, and “spread that wealth around.” This will always be a more attractive proposition to the people serving as the bread, than the people being used as the peanut butter. The creators of wealth must be forced to participate in the system, far beyond the point where a sense of civic duty or compassion for the downtrodden would keep them in line. After all, nearly half the country currently pays no income taxes, and they’re not all “downtrodden” people deserving of charity. In fact, the socialist dream is to reach the point where over half the population pays no taxes, and will thus be inclined to support all expansions of government power. You can’t get to the magic 51% of tax dependents just by using hungry orphans as props. Increasing levels of coercion are necessary to expand the socialist system, and keep wealth producers trapped within it. To maintain popular support, the socialist needs voters to stay angry at designated class enemies(Rich,Wallstreet,CEOs and so on.......). The Obama style of total government control over private businesses tends to turn feral with frightening speed, because it attempts to preserve the illusion of private enterprise, even as the “entrepreneurs” are enslaved to the total state.
Time is agaisnt me, I may add more later......