Post by machination on Feb 2, 2016 15:37:47 GMT -5
Machination this isn't a joke. The approach that I've learned through my years in the workforce is that group think will pretty much always trump a single person calling the shots. My current job involves me being a leader while also being in the trench as the main trenchmen. As example a Marketing Director that is responsible for physically delivering the services he/she is marketing. You market seamless gutters...now get your team together and go hang them. I guess my management style would not be the typical type at ford....Ive never been one that could sit around long...I have to be involved in my work...I guess nervous energy one might say. It blows my mind that a company as huge as Ford is would be this far behind the times when it comes to Organizational Behavior Mngmt. I tend to be a disciple of Peter Senge and the learning organization. I would encourage anyone to watch some of his videos on youtube concerning the learning organization. I appreciate all the input you guys have given me....you have almost convinced me to take up the banner for change and try this out. I can clearly see that Ford has a lot of disgruntled employees here....and I will close by saying I don't blame you guys. The company cares about one thing and one thing only: Making money. That's it. Nothing, and I mean nothing, else matters. Safety? Well, it's important to have a good safety record so insurance rates don't go up and so the public and government think they care about their workers; again, back to money (If we don't look good we might sell less cars. If so and so gets hurt we might have to cover his job with someone not as familiar with it which could cost us some production. etc.) Gloves have a hole in them that you didn't notice which results in you getting cut? Punish the guy with a write up for having on defective equipment. Wages and benefits? They have to be high otherwise there would be high turnover of employees, affecting quality and production; again, back to money. Good pension? Not anymore. Good luck with that 401(k) when the economy crashes right before you retire. How dare a worker expect an actual old-fashioned pension?? Don't they know those are out of style in today's business world? We've got to make more billions, more profits than we've ever made, with fewer workers and fewer retirement obligations than we had in the past when profits were lower. But now we can't afford it!...Nevermind the social catastrophe our country is going to experience in about 30-40 years when millions of people who worked all their lives retire with less than they need to survive. Grandma died and have to take off to go the funeral? Prove it. You're probably just lazy or something... Job so overloaded that you've developed carpal tunnel and need physical therapy? You're just faking it but whatever. The new kid here will do it and more, then when he makes the job absolutely intolerable he'll transfer. Boss doesn't understand what the problem is, but you're probably lying and just want to get out of doing more work. Maybe this worker just needs the proper "leadership", or "motivation", not a more reasonable workload. Sacrilege! Threaten him with a write-up or suspension. That will "motivate" him!
Anyway, I was told 25 years ago that if Ford could make more money selling spoons we'd never make another car again. Nothing. Else. Matters. Think you deserve to be treated professionally and with respect? Hah, only if the line is moving, and even then it's doubtful you'll receive it.
Post by machination on Feb 2, 2016 14:39:55 GMT -5
I appreciate what you guys have shared. I tend to be the type of person that is more team oriented with an ability to lead by example as well as motivating and teaching others around me. I currently work at a job where the owners rely on me to motivate and teach groups of people. It appears from what I have read on this message board that upper mngmt is out of touch with the people on the floor...that are really the heart of production. One of my areas of specialty is in the theory of constraints....which could possibly come in very handy at KTP. BTW...I still question the validity of the voting results and process that resulted in the acceptance of the current national contract that you guys are under. I was paying close attention on the night of the agreement and still dont trust the process. Would love to hear more from you guys. Concerning $30 per hour...are we talking 5-10 years or? Sincerely Lee This has to be a joke thread. Good job if it is, because your ruse apparently succeeded. In case you're actually serious though, I'll bite, and offer my "advice".
Firstly, the very idea that a new hire, whether as an hourly or in management, is going to "lead", "motivate", or "teach" people who have worked here for over 20 years is offensive. Who do you think you are anyway (if this is even a serious thread)? You are the one who will be led, motivated, and taught by US, not the other way around...How are you going to "lead by example" when, if you get into management, you won't actually be doing any of the work? If you don't get into management and work on the line, how, and for that matter why, are you going to lead anyone when what you should be doing is minding your own business and doing your own job. Some of you new guys come in and somehow think you know more than people who have worked here 20 years, and you want to change this or that, and only end up succeeding in either alienating the people around you or screwing something up, or both. Some of you guys think you know so much when you actually don't; you just pretend to. We call that, in the vulgar tongue, being "full of shit."
Secondly, of course upper management is out of touch with workforce on the floor, as is mid level mgmt., and even lower level management. That's because when they're not running around clueless, barking into their radios, cussing each other out (or worse), they're giggling at their "desk" with the kiss-ups and other obsequient people, or playing on their phones, or looking up sports stats on the company computer for their fantasy football team, while the hourly workers around them are busy actually working for a living. Sometimes we're so busy that we can't even stop to get a drink of water without getting behind, in which case Mr. Lazyass finally gets up to come find out what the hold up is. They are incapable of understanding how hard it is to work in the plant because they don't work in the plant. They just show up and watch everyone else do the actual working.
Thirdly, you seem very articulate, potentially intelligent (yes, to be articulate doesn't necessarily mean one actually possesses high intelligence, but it could be present), under 30, and ready to tackle an idealized reality. A real carpe diem kind of person. That's great, but once you get steeped in the real world of auto manufacturing for a while, your disillusionment will open your eyes to the truth of my advice, and you wont be so motivated anymore. Especially if you're in management. After about 5-10 years most of them are struggling with obesity and depression. Obesity is easy to achieve when you don't actually work for a living. Depression is easy to develop too when you realize there's no hope and if you go against the grain too much the grain will take you upstairs and cuss you out away from any witnesses.
In a nutshell, in my opinion you sound over-qualified and under-qualified at the same time. Over- because your credentials could probably get you a more fulfilling job somewhere else, instead of at the soul-crushing factory. Under- because you obviously have no idea what real working people go through and think, like some kind of industrial messiah, that you might be able to "motivate" and "lead" us..., which, again, is offensive. Ooooo the guy with the MBA is going to come in and "fix" all the lowly, ignorant grunts.
But if this is in fact a fake thread, good job!
Jan 31, 2016 18:31:41 GMT -5
via mobile
Post by machination on Jan 31, 2016 18:31:41 GMT -5
I'm just playing around brother. I do hope you're still here for the next contract though. I look forward to debating you folks again. All the fictional BS you guys were spouting the last time made for some hilarious reading.
Jan 30, 2016 16:38:43 GMT -5
via mobile
Post by machination on Jan 30, 2016 16:38:43 GMT -5
Settle down there, brother. Just calm down. It's all gonna be ok.
Jan 29, 2016 16:24:03 GMT -5
via mobile
Post by machination on Jan 29, 2016 16:24:03 GMT -5
You're not going anywhere Darth Bullshit so stop dreaming and get back to work.
Post by machination on Jan 24, 2016 13:21:52 GMT -5
The system's not quite full. I heard you guys have to go in and build 200 trucks then you're going to push brooms the rest of the shift while supervisors stand around doing nothing but giggling at you while you shovel that dirt. The bosses might even order pizza, but none for you! Get that dirt boys
Post by machination on Jan 12, 2016 13:17:19 GMT -5
Post by machination on Dec 29, 2015 11:07:30 GMT -5
....Also I got 11 hours straight pay and 18 hours holiday pay. Shouldn't we have gotten short work week pay for the rest of the week. This part should be brought up in a new thread.
Post by machination on Dec 18, 2015 11:18:17 GMT -5
I'll try to go easier on ex-metalman from now on. I sure did get him fired up.
Post by machination on Dec 18, 2015 9:51:52 GMT -5
I noticed that ex-metalman's poll is missing from the forum and I was wondering what happened to it. Apparently he thinks I have something to do with it's disappearance. I didn't even know it was gone until today. Here's the message ex-metalman sent me: What happened to my thread?Someone must of got offended ..
Post by machination on Dec 13, 2015 18:57:58 GMT -5
Beause the only thing that's changed is how long it takes to top out. Back then, we weren't so negative so we assumed even through a different contract our pay would continue to progress and we would top out. Now, because we've been fucked alot, you feel they might be screwed. In reality, nothing has changed except the duration on the Progression. That's a fact, sorry. Well DUH ...We have a winner!!!Thats the whole argument????I don't trust the Co or union??God help! Hah bullshit. The whole argument was over you insisting that we were still operating under a 2-tier arrangement which any moron capable of reading the contract can see that we are not, yet you continued to ignore reality like a crazy person and insist that because people newly hired make less money than veteran workers there MUST be a second tier in place, even though when we hired in 20 years ago we WERE NOT under 2-tier but somehow new hires still made less than older workers, i.e. "progression"... Then you threw some extra bullshit out of left field claiming that the 3 year arrangement back then was somehow GUARANTEED even though most of hired in with under 3 years left in that agreement, knowing it would expire in 1996 and have to be renegotiated, so it wasn't any more GUARANTEED, as you claimed, than the arrangement is NOW. I'm very very sorry that you are either incapable of understanding the truth as it WAS AND IS, or incapable of being honest about it if you do understand it. This argument had nothing to do with opinion. People who honestly know the REAL TRUTH have, on occasion, a moral and ethical responsibility to correct outright lies and mob/sheep mentalities when they could become a threat to our cohesiveness as a union in the future. This is why I reluctantly got back on this board to break some balls because that seems to be the only language that is understood here by the people most in need of correction. I know you think that makes me an asshole, but I'd much rather be an asshole than a liar or a fool, because those 2 have much greater potential to be harmful to a great many more people, whereas the asshole, if right and looking out for the interests of the whole, can actually be helpful. I'm actually a very nice guy, around NORMAL people. Anyway, enough of this lecture. Until we meet again, Darth Bullshit!
Post by machination on Dec 13, 2015 12:29:41 GMT -5
I'll tell you how 3 is more guaranteed than 8,,We have ours these mothersfuckers have been dangling a carrot in front of the new hires since 2007( with exception of the ones they HAD to move up).So it's been 8yrs already now another 8 yrs..Why would anyone believe that type of BULLSHIT!!?Unless you're a complete dumbass..WAGER? ?? ROFL Yea sure I'll bet you around 8 dollars because that's 8 more than BULLSHIT Darth Bullshit! LMAO
Post by machination on Dec 13, 2015 10:15:49 GMT -5
How was 3 years guaranteed anymore than 8 years is now. I hired in, and the next year the contract expired. Why was it guaranteed then, but not now. I honestly am wondering if you have any idea how all of this works. Let's put it like this so you'll be able to understand it..We got ours in 3 yrs,I personally don't BELIEVE that the low tier will ever get to top pay..That's just my opinion tho..We can argue in 8 yrs(well prolly 4 when they realize they got fucked back in 2015).I don't TRUST the Co or the union..That's why I feel like this..Now you sorta get it a lil bit???PS Ill have 28 yrs then and be 57 so I won't give a fuck!!!!Bye bye
Post by machination on Dec 13, 2015 10:06:42 GMT -5
3yrs guaranteed VS 8 yrs supposedly..Call it what you want .If they would have gave all emlployees equal pay during the contract I would say tiers are gone ..But they didn't so yes there's 2 tiers until WE ALL MAKE THE SAME BASE RATE. How was 3 years guaranteed anymore than 8 years is now. I hired in, and the next year the contract expired. Why was it guaranteed then, but not now. I honestly am wondering if you have any idea how all of this works. You have to be trained in The Farce like Darth Bullshit is to have any hope of understanding his logic. Mere mortals like us have no chance of understanding the power of the Brown side. You see, the Shith Lord and his apprentices are capable of taking any insane, illogical, bullshit subjective thought they have and transferring it into reality, where they act upon it as if it was real. Make no mistake, never underestimate the power of the Brown side.
Post by machination on Dec 12, 2015 16:43:41 GMT -5
In 2023 tier 2 workers will be making the wage that we attained in 2005. I wish it was sooner, like in 3 years like we had it.
Post by machination on Dec 12, 2015 10:40:14 GMT -5
LOL I've gotta take a break from here for a while before i really do crack a rib from laughing so hard. It's been fun.
Thanks for all the laughs this morning ex-Honestman, i mean, Darth Bullshit! LMAO
Post by machination on Dec 12, 2015 10:18:00 GMT -5
Oh man I'm laughing so fucking hard i think i cracked a rib LOL. Darth Bullshit's helmet is a tin-foil hat and he attacks truth with his turdsaber ROFL I'm fucking dying here, make it stop o' Brown one. ... Join the BROWN side. ROFL!!!
Post by machination on Dec 12, 2015 9:55:11 GMT -5
3yrs guaranteed VS 8 yrs supposedly..Call it what you want .If they would have gave all emlployees equal pay during the contract I would say tiers are gone ..But they didn't so yes there's 2 tiers until WE ALL MAKE THE SAME BASE RATE. 8 years from now... Darth Bullshit: This guy here isn't at top pay yet!! They lied!!! New guy: Well, i just hired in 2 weeks ago, so... Darth Bullshit pulls out his turdsaber. New guy: What the fuck is that?!?! Darth B.: Its my turd sword. I smite truth with it. It's how I combat reality with lies. You got fucked new guy. New guy: But, i just hired in... Darth B.: THAT DOESN'T MATTER! To be continued...
Post by machination on Dec 12, 2015 9:44:43 GMT -5
In 8 yrs all the low tier make the same base rate as me then I'll concede ..Time will tell... All the in progression workers 8 years from now won't make the same as you then because some of them who will be here 8 years from now haven't even hired in yet. If we hire somebody 4 years from now they won't hit top pay until 12 years from now. So your comment is based on magical bullshit. Sparkly, glowing magical bullshit. LOL DO THE MATH SON!
Post by machination on Dec 12, 2015 9:07:36 GMT -5
Like it didn't know it was a movie you fucking moron...Truth 3 yrs vs 8 yrs ..Supposedly Still think we're under two-tier or do you concede that two-tier is gone now? And the words dark, caustic, destroy, and the term roidrage are all from science fiction? Jesus ex-Honestman, you need to open a dictionary or other book once in a while. May the Farce be with you Darth Bullshit! ROFL
Post by machination on Dec 12, 2015 9:00:37 GMT -5
Yep your right after 3 years we were at TOP PAY..Were as its takes 8 years now????Supposedly????All your references to Sci-fi makes me understand you a lot better..You're outta touch with the real world ..This isn't a video game.Put the bong down..And joystick It was a movie you doofus! LOL you just can't get anything right Darth Bullshit! LMAO You should change your name to that, or maybe ex-Honestman. LOL
Post by machination on Dec 12, 2015 8:42:59 GMT -5
ROID RAGE!!!! LMAO! Not guaranteed because it was in a different contract, just like NOW. RAGE more while I destroy your bullshit with truth. While I decimate your dark caustic nonsense with light and clarity. RAGE on o' master of bullshit! LOL The only truth is (3) yrs VS (8) yrs..Time will tell..That's the truth...!!!! And after our 3 years we were only making around $22/hour. It took us about 8 years or more to reach $28/hour. If you were a sith from star wars and you pressed the button on your lightsaber a 3 foot long turd would ooze out of it, and people would say "Oh no here comes Darth Bullshit with his turdsaber!" LMAO
Post by machination on Dec 12, 2015 8:00:02 GMT -5
I know you dumb fuck!!!Different contract But (3) yrs guaranteed!!!!Nit different contracts and (8) yrs MAYBE in the FUCKING FUTURE..Damn you're fucking blind....You gotta be a dumb fuck liberal that only understands items in THEIR OWN WAY... ROID RAGE!!!! LMAO! Not guaranteed because it was in a different contract, just like NOW. RAGE more while I destroy your bullshit with truth. While I decimate your dark caustic nonsense with light and clarity. RAGE on o' master of bullshit! LOL
Post by machination on Dec 12, 2015 6:52:01 GMT -5
Second tier IS GONE you imbecile. Newer people NEVER did make as much as older workers, and neither did we until we got more time in. You didn't hire in making as much as veteran assemblers until years later. You were HERE and experienced it yourself and it WAS NOT second tier then, it was a PROGRESSION just like now but with a longer term. Still not 2 tier anymore. The only one of us with shit for brains is undeniably absolutely, you. In fact, you're out of your damn mind to pretend that 2 tier isn't gone. Did we work under 2 tier when we hired in? No. But i made less than the 20 year assembler next to me. You need to go back to kindergarten son and learn the difference between truth and lies. And you misleading new workers with your poisonous dishonest bs is especially disgusting. LOL 3 years motherfucker,....Not 4,5,or next contract!!!Two tiers is alive and well dumbfucker!!!!Your whole being disgust me.You act like all your post are the final word and you're always Right?Fuck that and Fuck you.Ill write whatever I want on here until Scot kicks me off!! Not you bitch..You're nothing to me..You don't tell me what's right or wrong ..Go try some off that shit with the other Yes voters... Your comments make me LOL so fucking hard. Unless you hired in exactly at midnight on September 14th of 1993 or 1996 you didn't reach top pay in the old progression until the second contract after you hired in either you numbskull. LOtothefuckingL!!!!
Post by machination on Dec 11, 2015 19:42:48 GMT -5
Yeah and when there was a cap you idiots whined about it keeping us from getting more, then they remove the cap and you still whine about how that's somehow fucking you too. Wanted raises, got them, still fucking whining. 2nd tier gone, still fucking whining. Got stuff back like holiday, and dependent tuition, still WAA WAA WAA! Biggest bunch of goddamn crybaby whiny ass titty-babies I've EVER, EVER seen in my entire life. You people are an absolute disgrace. Too stupid to see clearly and too weak and pussified to not be pathetic whiny asses. Put that in your collective pipes and smoke it ladies... Yep and pussies like you are the minority at ktp and lap..Fact..Remove a cap that was never needed?Two tier gone??Funny the kid on my team makes less than me?Raises???less than .10 a year when contract is over!!Yeehaw !!!I bet you've never stood up and fought a job here.Prolly just did it like the little yes man bitch you are..You're the disgrace!And you call yourself a union man..Ha! Second tier IS GONE you imbecile. Newer people NEVER did make as much as older workers, and neither did we until we got more time in. You didn't hire in making as much as veteran assemblers until years later. You were HERE and experienced it yourself and it WAS NOT second tier then, it was a PROGRESSION just like now but with a longer term. Still not 2 tier anymore. The only one of us with shit for brains is undeniably absolutely, you. In fact, you're out of your damn mind to pretend that 2 tier isn't gone. Did we work under 2 tier when we hired in? No. But i made less than the 20 year assembler next to me. You need to go back to kindergarten son and learn the difference between truth and lies. And you misleading new workers with your poisonous dishonest bs is especially disgusting. LOL
Post by machination on Dec 11, 2015 19:04:49 GMT -5
The reason why you guys see bullshit everywhere you look is because there's a thick film of it encrusted over your eyeballs. It's like cataracts, made of shit. You cant remove it safely until you develop grown up hands. Otherwise, you might accidentally pluck your whole fucking eyeball out. Good luck with that. Maybe so,,but has the cap ever been reached in your career here??No ..Therefore why start or end a cap????Never needed it..Maybe I have shit on my eyes ,but you my friend have shit for brains.. Yeah and when there was a cap you idiots whined about it keeping us from getting more, then they remove the cap and you still whine about how that's somehow fucking you too. Wanted raises, got them, still fucking whining. 2nd tier gone, still fucking whining. Got stuff back like holiday, and dependent tuition, still WAA WAA WAA! Biggest bunch of goddamn crybaby whiny ass titty-babies I've EVER, EVER seen in my entire life. You people are an absolute disgrace. Too stupid to see clearly and too weak and pussified to not be pathetic whiny asses. Put that in your collective pipes and smoke it ladies...
Post by machination on Dec 11, 2015 17:15:35 GMT -5
Another fine enlightening thread for the ingrate bullshit mill. Hey just be thankful the profit sharing cap was REMOVED. Oh wait I forgot, we aren't supposed to be thankful for anything. Funny how all of you still work here, when you could obviously be so much more successful working somewhere else. So you think we will get above what the cap was?They removed it because we will never reach it...I think it's supposed to look like a gain?I guess for someone dumb enough to believe it? The reason why you guys see bullshit everywhere you look is because there's a thick film of it encrusted over your eyeballs. It's like cataracts, made of shit. You cant remove it safely until you develop grown up hands. Otherwise, you might accidentally pluck your whole fucking eyeball out. Good luck with that.
Post by machination on Dec 11, 2015 16:57:31 GMT -5
Still no holiday pay on this weeks check. ....take a seat at the picnic table and tell them "when I get my $$$$ I'LL go back to work" They seem to jump pretty good when this happens. Remember squeaky wheel get the grease. Now is everyone who didn't get paid did this there more than likely not be anymore pay shortages...just sayin I'll take this one too... Are you a new hire pretending not to be or just someone who gives shitty, ignorant-ass advice? Yeah follow your advice and the 3 days off on discipline you'll get for refusing to work/stoppage will cost you more than the 2 days holiday which you will most certainly get even if it's late. So have a net loss of a day's pay plus discipline on your record, that'll teach 'em!...
Post by machination on Dec 11, 2015 16:27:05 GMT -5
Another fine enlightening thread for the ingrate bullshit mill. Hey just be thankful the profit sharing cap was REMOVED. Oh wait I forgot, we aren't supposed to be thankful for anything. Funny how all of you still work here, when you could obviously be so much more successful working somewhere else.
Post by machination on Nov 22, 2015 21:10:56 GMT -5
Dues remained at a rate of 2 hours pay per month all that time until the recent change. Of course if you get a raise then 2 hours pay will be more than it was prior to the raise, but it was still 2 HOURS PAY all the time. You sir are a liar, and here is a link to prove that you are a liar: www.thefreedictionary.com/sophistrySadly, there are many, many people who are simply too stupid to understand that you are a liar even after it is proved. I respectfully disagreed with you and that makes me a liar, and most people are just to stupid to know that. It is interesting that you linked a page with the definition of sophistry because I believe that is exactly you what are engaging in. You say that you have proven that I am a liar, How, because you say so and expect that people are to stupid to see that our dues went up every time we got a raise. In my world every time I have to pay more for something I consider that a raise in cost. If you don't see it that way it's OK with me. Fair enough then. Your dues did go up...... because the Union got you raises, and folded in cola. You're complaining about making more for 2 hours work, steadily for a while BECAUSE THE UNION WAS INCREASING YOUR INCOME. That's some brilliant bullshit. Just fucking quit already.