Post by machination on Jul 26, 2017 17:34:59 GMT -5
I wonder how many keys you pressed to type all that out, when all you had to do was call the UNION HALL and ask them. That's 10 buttons to press if you include the area code, 11 if you add the 1 at the beginning. But noooo, you wait around and wait around for someone else to inform you. I've already used legal services once this year. It's up. No, I'm not going to give you the phone number because you're "almost 30" years old and should be able to find out info as basic as this on your own. See, I'm teaching you how to fish instead of giving you a fish. I'm sure you're too young to know what that means. Helpless millennials.... Millennials can range from 20 years old to 36. Big gap. Old man talk. The whole complaining about this and that because of a generation is old. Like you. Yea I guess you're right. When you get older maybe you do tend to notice helpless whiny kids a little more than you did when you were younger. Just saying. I'm just different. Even in youth if I wanted to know something I went and found out the truth myself instead of being dependant on everybody else to find out shit for me. It's not like the Union Hall is some super-secret underground bunker that no one knows how to contact.
Post by machination on Jul 26, 2017 10:44:36 GMT -5
20 years ago there was a light at gate 6 that slowed down the traffic flow from that direction considerably. That's why they removed it if I remember correctly. People got sick of waiting there and complained that it was making them late for work. You know, people who wait until the last minute to leave for work then say it's something else's fault that they're late. It needs to be put back up before one of these stupid kids causes a fatal accident.
Post by machination on Jul 26, 2017 10:39:05 GMT -5
Here it is the end of July 2017 and still no word on our UAW negotiated legal services won in the last contract. Anyone have any info that I've missed? Is the UAW waiting for the contract to expire so the membership is screwed out of a benefit? This inquiring mind wants to know. I wonder how many keys you pressed to type all that out, when all you had to do was call the UNION HALL and ask them. That's 10 buttons to press if you include the area code, 11 if you add the 1 at the beginning. But noooo, you wait around and wait around for someone else to inform you. I've already used legal services once this year. It's up. No, I'm not going to give you the phone number because you're "almost 30" years old and should be able to find out info as basic as this on your own. See, I'm teaching you how to fish instead of giving you a fish. I'm sure you're too young to know what that means. Helpless millennials....
Post by machination on Nov 22, 2016 0:07:30 GMT -5
Like I said the "fucked"up liberals I know..family members to be exact couldn't believe how we were getting paid as well as receiving SUB pay from the UAW..They would say that's not right to get both,? Unions are awful!No wonder cars are so high!!.Hey Machy .Go back into your office and jerk your boss off .. I don't have an office and I'm a heterosexual.
You should tell your confused anti-union friends who think you are the reason why cars are so expensive to understand that the company has less than a third the number of union employees it had 20 years ago, has cut benefits, no longer offers defined benefit pensions to employees hired for what the last 10 years? and dramatically cut pay for new hires, and is making RECORD profits, and the cars haven't went down in price at all. Explain to them that due to this it's pretty obvious that the price of the vehicles has very little to do with what the workers get paid, and everything to do with corporate greed. Painfully obvious even. Then you can explain to them that it is their antiworker mentality that is why THEY don't have much hope of making much more money in the future either, nor their kids or grandkids, due to the loss of high-wage manufacturing in this country, because anyone who contributes to the "them-damn-union-workers-are-over-paid" narrative contributes to the economic downfall of the American working class by influencing popular opinion negatively with "wage-envy". Because that's the whole root cause of their argument.
Then tell those slaves to jerk THEIR bosses off, since they sort of already are.
Love ya brother.
Post by machination on Nov 19, 2016 18:56:21 GMT -5
Funny thing is most anti union folks I know are liberals???
Post by machination on Nov 18, 2016 20:43:57 GMT -5
95% ? Did you just pull that figure out of your ass? I cannot find any data anywhere that supports that high of a number. Let's just all quit, because the comany gives us the benefits and pay out of the kindness of their heart. Talk to your neighbors that work down in Georgetown who have been part time for 10 years, or the ones who have been shit canned because they are mo longer physically able to do their job.Do I agree with everything our union does, no. My Son just spent 7 months as a STS before getting placed in progression. Crock of shit. This Corporation does not do shit to help its employees willingly. I've been to the Mexico plants. You want to go back to the 60'S ergonomically and safety wise, head on down south.You can see how your company works it's people. Fact is these RTW people are hopelessly full of it. They pretend to know so much about the world when in reality they just don't know shit. Nothing but a bunch of clueless sheep. They complain about how the company mistreats them (cue violins), then want to weaken the only entity that offers them any protection at all. Absolute lunacy. Good job! Cretins...Sorry, do you need your coloring books and playdoh now? Maybe they think that if they kiss enough of the boss's ass they won't need a union to protect them? Maybe they think because they're a hard workin' country boy the suits in admin will admire their efforts? Maybe they think if their was no union, or a weakened union, the company would be nicer to them? (This is the "lets just cave" chickenshit theory) Or maybe they're just rino's who would leech off the working man next to them to save a couple of hours of pay per month. Whatever it is, it's pathetic. Playdoh?
Post by machination on Nov 9, 2016 19:21:49 GMT -5
Post by machination on Nov 9, 2016 19:09:55 GMT -5
I'll never tell because you'll never believe me anyway. I'm an international union shill who only gets on here during elections and doesn't even work in the plant remember?...
Post by machination on Nov 9, 2016 19:07:35 GMT -5
But that means you wont be a union brother anymore, so what happens when you need someone who is to have your back? I'm just curious. Like if you have to shit so bad and the team leader's not around so you need the dues payer next to you to just cover your job for 5 minutes for your quick power dump? Guess you might have to shit your pants.
I mean, why would someone who pays dues to the entity that negotiates our wages and benefits look out for someone who gets their wages and benefits negotiated for them without having to pay a dime for it? I thought you republicans hated people who leech and get subsidized by others. I guess not so much if you're the leech.
Post by machination on Nov 5, 2016 3:18:46 GMT -5
Rumor of delayed paychecks this week I'm surprised this troll post didn't get more attention than it did. I'm sure you were as disappointed as I was. Nice try though (tho).
Nov 5, 2016 3:16:43 GMT -5
Post by machination on Nov 5, 2016 3:16:43 GMT -5
Right like when they call 12 actually stay till 6:30.Then call union and point out the fact that 12 hrs is from 6-6:30..Then they would have to pay us.. If these new managers call 12 hours thinking that's 6:00 instead of 6:30 then why the hell would you stay until 6:30 when you're going to get paid 12 for leaving a half hour early? Am I going to have to dig up those old bullshit pics Darth?
Post by machination on Nov 5, 2016 3:12:53 GMT -5
Unfortunately every time someone asks, the union tends to give a different answer. So, when are we getting a copy of the current contract? It's been almost a year under the new national and I still haven't gotten my copy. The contract is online. I think that is the only copy we will get, unless you request one. Unfortunately they probably wont request one, and then bitch about not being provided one without asking for it. If anyone wants a contract book, once they are printed, drive your ass down the street to the union hall and pick one up. I've been doing that for years and somehow I don't insist on being butt-hurt about it, because I'm not a victim. Sorry folks but the olden days where the union spends a fortune printing enough contract books to hand out to everyone on the line have been over for a while, probably because most people wont read them anyway because it's too much trouble for them. It's much easier to whine and bitch.
Post by machination on Nov 5, 2016 3:07:49 GMT -5
I'd file a complaint with EEOC. They don't tolerate BS. No you wouldn't.
Post by machination on Nov 5, 2016 3:06:59 GMT -5
I see my committeeman almost every day. And he knows his shit. One of the best ones I've ever had.
Post by machination on Nov 5, 2016 3:04:49 GMT -5
1. How did you request him? From your supervisor? From your team leader? 2. Did you call the inplant union office? 3. Did you call the union hall?
Post by machination on Oct 3, 2016 6:40:40 GMT -5
If they're on a list that OUR government put them on,then yes that's enough for me.Dont know anyone on the list ,but I know some people that have done some crazy shit SO it must be really messed up if your on it ...And like I said b4 just because you come to America doesn't mean you're here to be a "model" citizen..Thus if I were in charge NO FOREIGN PERSON WOULD OWN A WEAPON.. Well we differ on a few things. For one, a firearm is not a weapon, any more than a kitchen knife, kids baseball bat, or my car. It certainly may be used as a weapon. Hi again folks. I'd just like to touch on this point or a few others if needed as I, by virtue of boredom, go through some of this thread. The quote above is a specious argument ( www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/specious), also known as bullshit. And I'm pro-gun. I have several firearms. Got my first gun a couple of years out of kindergarten. Dad was in the army. And guess what: Saying a firearm is not a weapon sounds like some kind of attempt at pseudo-philosophical bullshit. Sorry. I'll be back as needed, if I feel like it. And hi ex-metalman, missed you bro. Have a nice day ladies.
Post by machination on Sept 22, 2016 16:08:37 GMT -5
Thats because we have 32 hour weeks on the regular. Been hearing we will get hours for 7 months. At this point I am assuming I will only get 40 hours after 1 year agslater, the system before you was not a broken system! 70% hire in pay, top out pay in 3 years, sww after 90 days plus non-generic benefits. Those days are now history thanks to the shamming UAW that rapes 30+ working hours from you every year. More untrue bullshit about short-work-week benefits. Thanks to a weakening union AND people who have no problem at all with spreading any bullshit lies they hear someone else say, without actually bothering to make sure it's true or false before they repeat it, we're all screwed in the long run. Isn't that what's happening so much anymore? So much misinformation from people pretending to know things when they actually don't, stirring up the young people who depend on older workers for truth, only to be told more BS, encouraging more anti-union sentiment. How is a worker spreading lies that pass for truth any better than when the union does it? Good job!
Post by machination on Feb 27, 2016 12:14:53 GMT -5
Assuming Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton become their respective partys' candidate for the general election, who will you vote for and why?
Post by machination on Feb 27, 2016 11:52:41 GMT -5
That's why with what the new ours get (matching) it's actually better over 30yrs..I personally think that a Co reducing a pension at SS age should.Be a crime but evidently its legal.. To suggest that a company shouldn't have the right to save money when a government benefit kicks in and that they should even be charged with a crime for reducing a pension upon the employee gaining income from ss, is a socialist idea. Are you a socialist now? I actually tend to agree with you on this, but it just puzzles me when all you right-wing rednecks who hate socialism so much quote socialist websites and promote socialist ideas. It kind of causes me to think that maybe you guys don't really know much about politics.
Post by machination on Feb 27, 2016 5:40:31 GMT -5
Welcome to 1975!
Post by machination on Feb 21, 2016 21:12:52 GMT -5
Wasn't sure to post this here or start a new thread but does anyone remember how long the hand swelling/pain lasted for them? I'm popping Tylenol/Motrin like candy and still can't even close one of my hands...I'm still going to work though lol The old timers in heavy truck called that "the claw". Mine lasted about a month. Please don't eat painkillers like candy. The instructions on the bottle should be followed and taken seriously, unless you'd like a liver transplant before you're 40. Hang in there and good luck.
Post by machination on Feb 21, 2016 21:08:48 GMT -5
I'm not mad at all. I'm actually smiling, amused at our discussion. Although, I'll admit, a part of me is saddened when I see just how far the intelligence level of our people has fallen. It's not a good thing for our country's future. Anyway, GO TRUMP! Right?
Post by machination on Feb 21, 2016 21:03:28 GMT -5
I herd da yoonyun lyd 2 us an dat wee waddent getin nuffin dis yeer. I reely wanded dat kash muny dis is sum BULSHET!
Post by machination on Feb 21, 2016 20:41:39 GMT -5
You're right. Reading comprehension as a concept doesn't really exist because there are references to it on the internet. Nevermind the fact that it's taught in elementary school, but I shouldn't expect an obvious drop-out/GED kid like you to comprehend it. Dumbass. Haha!.......Keep on believin' brotha! You are definitely one of "them","those".......whichever one you wish to be referred to! Bahahaahaaa! You'd make a great leader of the sheep, if you're not already, HaHa! I edited my previous post to include an example that may help you to not only understand what reading comprehension is, but to also help you to understand what a knuckle-dragging imbecile you are. Good luck!
Post by machination on Feb 21, 2016 20:16:17 GMT -5
You must be one of "those" that believe everything that you read on an Internet forum, aren't you? You're right. Reading comprehension as a concept doesn't really exist because there are references to it on the internet. Nevermind the fact that it's taught in elementary school, but I shouldn't expect an obvious drop-out/GED kid like you to comprehend it. Dumbass. Here, let me break this simple concept down for you. Reading comprehension means, in a nutshell, "comprehending" what you "read". I understand that many people have an aversion to big words. "Comprehending" something means "understanding" it. Therefore, " reading comprehension" means "understanding what you read". For example, if I say "the chicken crossed the road", it doesn't mean "that chicken is a fucking liar who's trying to hide something", it simply means "the chicken crossed the road." Now go write this on the blackboard 10 times little Johnny. I hope this helped.
Post by machination on Feb 20, 2016 8:17:56 GMT -5
they base quality on warranty repairs... which right now is way down..so there is no basis for your statements..Customer satisfaction has never been higher.what we see and what the customer actually gets are 2 different things, So what you're really trying to say is, "Yeah! Quality does suck but who really gives a shit!"......Is that it? I'm pretty sure that's not what he's trying to say. Here's a link that might help, en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reading_comprehension , if you're able to understand it, you semi-literate cretin. Good luck!
Post by machination on Feb 10, 2016 18:36:39 GMT -5
Wow, that's revealing. A guy who's into boozing and drugging shouldn't be allowed to own an ar-15, because you obviously don't have good judgement. It also explains why you get advice from your dog's nuts (see older thread). Since u keep bringing it up. I never took advice from a metaphorical dogs balls. I advised you, that when u take ur place at my left hand, beware the dog on my right. Remember now? That dog will absolutely kill ur fuzzy kitten machy. Hate to disappoint your delusional ego buddy, but I don't think anyone, especially me, is going to "take a place" at the left or right hand of a self-described drunk drug addict. But, if it makes you feel better about yourself, keep on pretending to be more than you are. Theres hope for you though. The union, that I'm sure you hate so much, has services that can help you.
Post by machination on Feb 6, 2016 13:44:55 GMT -5
Wow, this is my favorite thread EVER. I left grad school to work at Ford...........for the money and benefits. I learned REALLY early how it is, because guys with 25 years told me. If "teach", "lead" and "motivate" means you tell an engineer or supervisor that you know the best place to hang that new gun is on THAT OTHER GUY'S job...............even if its true......well, I just want to be there and see that. The goal here, for us, is to get out without being crippled, and to make a decent living in the meantime. Seriously, those of us with 20+ years really just want to get out of here without being disabled in body, or mentally broken down to the point of drug or booze addiction. I tell people that when when I hired in, I was told I'd probably get into 4 things: Drugs, booze, gambling, and cheating on my spouse.....I'm at 3 of 4. Excellent post. Actually my drug use is down since hiring in 17 years ago. Only thing I take that I don't have a scrip for is weed. Hopefully soon I can get that legally too. But, for me, booze n drugs, yeah. Gambling?never. That eats into money better spent on booze n drugs. Cheating on my wife? Oh god no never. After all , she puts up with the booze n drugs and I like all my stuff lol. Totally agree with ur point tho Wow, that's revealing. A guy who's into boozing and drugging shouldn't be allowed to own an ar-15, because you obviously don't have good judgement. It also explains why you get advice from your dog's nuts (see older thread).
Post by machination on Feb 2, 2016 17:27:03 GMT -5
That day was the day they started to go backwards not forward. What genious decided to do away with these meetings....im guessing some guy in finance...I bet me and you could get on the same page real fast with a conversation....its hard to believe that Ford didnt change this when they restructured...unbelievable Understand that our friend machination is only engaging you to amuse himself. I think it's quite obvious that I'm not amused. However, I do occasionally engage some of you people for my own amusement. Like when I mega-LOLed after the contract passed, despite the efforts of so many of you to thwart it's passage by peddling flat out lies. I admit, it does amuse me when liars lose. It's kind of like good defeating evil, and that's important to me. This time however, in regards to "Lee", I'm not just amusing myself. That being said, I am about 50/50 on whether or not it's even a serious thread. So settle down wannabe-M4-with-an-A2-upper-receiver. Shouldn't you be advising this man with analogies of your dog's testicles or something like you did with me during the contract arguments? I'm pretty sure that was you.
Post by machination on Feb 2, 2016 16:22:09 GMT -5
Years ago we had Employee Involvement (EI) meetings. Once a week, for 30 minutes, each team would get together at their tables and discuss things such as safety concerns, things that need fixing, suggestions to improve a process, etc. Sometimes, a member of mgmt. might actually show up too. We had a team member designated as EI moderator to help go over all our items of concern and relay this info to mgmt with what we called a matrix. Resolved issues would be struck from the matrix. Unresolved issues would be "carried over". We did this for many years.
Then one day the company decided that this 30 minutes, once a week, would be better spent just making trucks. Who gives a shit what the workers on the line think anyway?... The bosses, many of which don't know a henweigh from a muffler bearing, don't need, or want, our input. We're dirty, eww.